【同义词辨析】 2020-03-24 分析analyze-break down
analyze: suggests separating or distinguishing the component parts of something (as a substance, a process, or a situation) so as to discover its true nature or inner relationships: ~d the current problem of trade imbalances to discover its basis. (distinguish辨别分清区分,指看出理解两个人或物之间的不同,to see or understand the difference between two people or things用法是to distinguish between A and B或to distinguish A from B,如at what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非? 如it was hard to distinguish one twin from the other很难分辨出一对孪生儿谁是谁,如sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish有时候现实和幻想很难区分)
resolve: often suggests only the separation or division into elements or parts: matter ~d by the microscope into distinct cells; or its change of form or metamorphosis: hatred ~d by suffering into tenderness. part部分泛指,element元素特指"不可再分"的部分 divide表示分成了几个部分 separate表示不再在一起, 两个词都是指分开分离 metamorphosis蜕变, 词根META表示超过beyond,词根MORPH=shape形状
dissect: suggests a searching analysis by laying bare parts or pieces for individual scrutiny: commentators ~d every word of the President's statement. scrutiny仔细检查close examination,在20191209 审查scrutinize-examine
break down: implies a methodical reducing of a complex whole to simpler parts or divisions: ~ the budget to see where the money is going.
analyze分析: 表示分离区别事物的组成部分,以发现其内在属性关系(例如对物质过程情况的分析),resolve分解: 仅表示分开分离成元素部分;或表示改变蜕变,dissect解剖分解: 表示查找性质的分析,将各部分剥开逐个检查,break down分解: 按一定次序,将复杂的整体缩减成简单的部分
记忆方法: 1)首字母ARDB重组成BARD莎翁诗人<==分析 "析"字形像"用斧子伐木",本义指"劈开木头",引申指"分开离散"。由分开引申表示对事物进行"解释说明",如"奇文共欣赏疑义相与析",以及"同义词辨析"中的"析",既表示使分开离散也表示解释说明 "分"是会意字,从八从刀。"八"在字形上就表示"二物相别,别离","刀"是使用的工具。八与刀合用表示"以刀剖物使之相别离",本义"一别为二",如分析区分分发分开分解分析春分部分分会本分成分等 "解"最早表示"杀牛分解牛",古字形像两手解剖牛角,本义为"分割分开",又引申为分裂融化消散脱落消除,如解刨解体解惑解决解题解鞋带解放解冻。要知道、懂得某物的规律,最好能把复杂的事物分解开,所以"解"引申有"知道懂得"的意思,如理解了解解释辩解注解解说解字 bard诗人,一般特指莎翁
2)分析的意思是把整体分割成部分mean to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements.